apartment pest control

Managing Pest Control in Your Apartment It’s difficult to imagine feeling safe and secure at home when dealing with intruders. Now, what if those intruders were pests sucking your resources dry and making it excruciatingly frustrating to live in peace? Now that is quite the headache! Just because you don’t own your home doesn’t mean …

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organic pest control, san antonio bug repellent, pest control tips

Below, you can find several of the most commonly asked questions about bug infestations. Additionally, you can find a few pest control tips! Keep reading to learn all about how to handle those creepy critters in your home. Should your pest problems continue, wait no further! Contact Apple Pest Control for all organic pest control …

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springtime pest control

When the weather warms up after winter, insects and other pests begin to wake up from dormancy and start to breed. And as San Antonio residents know all too well, pests can breed very quickly! Before you know it, your home could be playing host to creatures like ants, roaches, spiders and flies. The good …

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garden pest control

The most bountiful gardens often have the highest number of seasonal visitors – and we’re not just talking about your next-door neighbor! Every successful gardener wants to welcome helpful insects to their garden and bar the troublemakers. But how can you keep your garden safe from damaging pests without compromising the safety of your harvest? …

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flea removal

Whether in your home or on your pets, the last insect you want around is the flea. Fleas can make your family and your pets miserable with the scratching and itching their bites cause and the diseases they host. How can you prevent these pests from invading your home? At Apple Pest Control, we know …

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pest control myths

Myths about pests and pest control have circulated around homeownership for years. You’ve likely heard your fair share, too. These myths include bed bugs targeting dirty homes, or you should set cheese out to catch mice. Some myths about pests may be well-intentioned advice, but they are rarely rooted in fact. More often, these myths …

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winter pest control

South Texas winters don’t always introduce extreme temperature changes. Nonetheless, we all keep an eye out to prepare for drastic cold fronts, and so do annoying bugs and pests. Some pests go into hibernation during cooler months, so winter is commonly considered natural pest control. However, many winter pests in Texas find shelter with us …

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racoons looking for food

As we get into the chilly months, wildlife may start to appear on your property, such as raccoons. Some people find raccoons as cute creatures – but be careful! They’re wild animals that can threaten you and your pets’ life. At Apple Pest Control, we understand the lack of control over pests in or around …

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snake inside the home

Living in Texas can be quite unpredictable, you might experience things you may not have experienced before, like coming across a snake in your house. Did you know that according to a Gallup poll, around 51% of people freak out when they come across snakes? Don’t worry, even if you are afraid of snakes, snake …

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mouse sitting in a group of fallen leaves

The fall season is almost upon us here in San Antonio, and as the summer wanes, so do those pesky summer pests. With the arrival of cooler temperatures, however, comes a whole new host of critters too.   Texas pests can be an extreme yet unavoidable annoyance to homeowners. While these creatures are bothersome year-round, fall …

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