food on the counter waiting to be chopped and put in a pan

The kitchen is the heart of the home when it comes to making meals and hosting family gatherings. However, throughout the year, bugs and other pests will undoubtedly look for shelter and your home is a great option, given the food in your kitchen. If you start to regularly spot unwelcome pests in your kitchen, …

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close up of Grass snake curled up with tongue out

Texas is home to lots of different creepy crawlers, including many that look more dangerous than they really are. Here at Apple Pest Control, we’re proud of our reputation as a dependable wildlife removal company and the knowledge our team has accumulated over the years, working with a wide array of critters. Our staff members …

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In the summer, mosquitoes are the hot buzz – however, it’s an annoying buzz that many of us would rather live without. It’s important to keep yourself protected from mosquitoes because these pests can carry diseases that are transmittable to humans through their bite. The itch from a mosquito bite is a result of the …

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Wasp Nest Removal Services

If you’re like many homeowners, the sight of a wasp nest can bring a sense of dread and even fear. After all, wasp stings hurt like the dickens, and removing those pesky insects can lead to a swarm of fury! So what should you do if you find a wasp nest on your property? At …

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snake slithering on the floor

Imagine this scenario: you’re vacuuming your carpet and about to crouch down to get under your sofa. All of a sudden, you catch sight of a snake curled up among your dust bunnies! What do you do next? Here at Apple Pest Control, we know just how terrifying it can be to find one of …

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bedbug removal, bedbug treatment

Despite their name, bed bugs can be found in many places beside your bed. Although it’s highly common to find bed bugs calling your bed their new home, the truth is bed bugs just prefer any habitat that’s surrounded by humans. If you want to know more about where you can find them or if …

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home garden filled with green plants and other vegetables

Many different factors that come into play when it comes to gardening. One of the biggest obstacles that separate good gardens from bad is the presence of harmful bugs. So how can you prevent the damage of bugs in your San Antonio garden this spring? At Apple Pest Control, we’re here to inform you about …

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gnats stuck on glue trap on plant in home

Gnats always seem to thrive in warmer weather, and here in San Antonio, we know all too well that our weather is hardly anything other than warm. What starts as one or two gnats one day may turn into a dozen the next. Out of all the household pests, gnats are one of the hardest …

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fire ant on finger

At Apple Pest Control, we’re no strangers to ants. They live everywhere – in your backyard, under logs and even inside your house. Although ants are pesky, many species are harmless. This is not true of fire ants. Since the 1930s, fire ants have been a problem in the United States when they were accidentally …

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Winter Pest Control Tips

As the winter season approaches, most homeowners have to be on high alert for the pesky critters that infiltrate their households. Here at Apple Pest Control, we value your peace of mind and strive to make this time of year as stress-free as possible! We pride ourselves in the environmentally friendly options we practice for …

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