fire ant on finger

At Apple Pest Control, we’re no strangers to ants. They live everywhere – in your backyard, under logs and even inside your house. Although ants are pesky, many species are harmless. This is not true of fire ants. Since the 1930s, fire ants have been a problem in the United States when they were accidentally introduced to the ecosystem. Unlike most ant species, fire ants are venomous and use stingers to inflict harm on anyone or anything that gets in their way.

What Are Fire Ants?

Like most ants, fire ants live underground, digging a network of tunnels in the soil. You can detect their presence in your yard by looking for a soft mound of dirt, a few inches high. Fire ants usually build their mounds near a deck, patio or fallen log for shelter.

The most common species of fire ant in the United States is the Red Imported Fire Ant, which is a few millimeters in size and reddish-brown in color. If you think these pests are inhabiting your yard, the best thing you can do is call pest control to take care of the problem.

Help! I Already Got Stung.

But what if it’s too late? If a fire ant has already stung you, the first thing you need to do is leave the ant-infested area and pick the ants off your skin. Don’t brush the ants off, since it may make them more agitated. Additionally, don’t try to rinse the ants off with water, since this may cause them to latch on tighter to your skin.

Before treating the stings, it’s important to make sure you aren’t having an allergic reaction to the ant’s venom. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call 911:

  • Flushing of the skin
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the throat, eyes or face
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Intense sweating
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Feeling faint

Most people don’t experience dangerous reactions to fire ant stings. If you’ve been stung, you may experience:

  • A burning sensation and pain at the sting site
  • Redness and swelling
  • Pus-filled blisters

At-Home Ant Bite Treatments

If you’ve been stung by fire ants, chances are you’re feeling some discomfort. By using the natural and over-the-counter remedies listed below, these are sure to help relieve the pain!

1. Apply A Cold Compress

To relieve the swelling of the ant bites with a natural remedy, apply a cold compress. Leave it on for twenty minutes, and then remove it for twenty minutes. Repeat this step as necessary for relief.

2. Apply Over-The-Counter Medication

Fire ant stings may take up to two weeks to heal. To relieve the itchiness and heal the blisters during this time, apply over-the-counter medication, such as antibiotic ointment and hydrocortisone cream. You can also take an oral antihistamine to reduce swelling.

3. Leave Them Alone

The best way to help your fire ant bites heal is to leave them alone. Unless you are applying ointment or cream, try your best to not touch them. Picking at or popping the blisters can cause infection, which often calls for treatment with antibiotics.

Preventing Fire Ant Bites

Even though fire ant bites are treatable, they aren’t a pleasant thing to experience. To prevent fire ant bites, the best thing you can do is contact Apple Pest Control for local San Antonio pest control! We can take care of your ant infestations so you don’t have to risk getting stung by a fire ant. Ants are the number one pest control problem in San Antonio, but that doesn’t mean they need to be your problem. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!